Campaign Planning in the Chemical Industry

Campaign Planning in the Chemical Industry

Planning the trade-off between the single or multi-product campaigns mode and the short term mode

In chemical batch production, campaign planning plays a central role in addition to the short term mode. With the primary goal of reducing set-up and cleaning times, campaign planning involves the production of several batches of a product (single-product campaign) or a product group with the same plant configuration (multi-product campaign) on one plant over a longer period of time. However, in comparison with the short term mode, campaign planning often involves increased warehousing that associates with a high capital commitment.

Conditions for campaign planning in the chemical industry:

  • Compatibility of the campaigned orders with the mandatory need for the same products in the case of single-product campaigns or firmly defined grouping criteria (such as the same product group or minimal set-up time) in the case of multi-product campaigns
  • Continuity of the timely sequenced production orders within the campaign
  • Production on one fixed line with fixed scheduling of all production orders within the campaign
Simulationsbasierte Entscheidungsfindung zwischen Einzel- bzw. Mehrproduktkampagnen und flexibler Mischfahrweisen

ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench | Optimized campaign planning through software-supported production planning in the chemical process industry

With the use of the ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)-Software, trade-offs between campaign mode and short term mode can be minimized and decisions based on predefined criteria prioritised. The software provides the possibility of grouping logistically dependent objects as campaigns, which can thus be considered as such when scheduling and rescheduling campaigns. Multi-step and multi-product planning functions allow the user to split campaigns and to adjust quantities between different product stages.

ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench | Advantages of campaign planning:

  • Grouping of orders based on predefined criteria and planning of these orders as such
  • Manual/automated creation of campaigns and their finite/infinite rescheduling
  • Fixation of preferred sequences and avoidance of interruptions during rescheduling
  • Dependencies are displayed transparently in the general view for the orders within the campaign
  • Avoidance of sequence violations during planning
  • Aggregated ATP across all orders within a campaign
Annemarie Kersten
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