Software-Supported Quality Control in the Chemical Industry

Software-Supported Quality Control in the Chemical Industry

Planning limited QC lab capacity: to avoid them becoming a bottleneck in a complex supply chain execution

Laboratories represent a time- and capacity-critical factor within quality control in the chemical industry. This fact is caused by its manifold tasks along the overall production process:

  • Incoming & outgoing goods inspections
  • At-line inspections during production processes
  • Inspections during the intermediate storage in tanks

Since laboratories are not considered a production resource, they often represent a bottleneck that is neither planned in terms of time nor capacity. It complicates the calculation of production throughput times and can lead to capacity overloads, in the worst case.

Any existing isolated solutions (such as those based on Excel) for sequencing with purchasing and production processes are often linked to a short-term planning horizon and are neither centrally connected to the ERP nor to the LIMS. Although both, resources and capacities are simulated and planned in Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP), the capacitive long-term planning of laboratories is not supported.

Planung begrenzter QC-Laborkapazitäten: Damit diese nicht zum Engpass einer komplexen Supply Chain Execution werden

ORSOFT LabScheduling | Throughput-optimized scheduling of limited laboratory capacities in the chemical industry

  • Integrated long-term, medium-term and short-term laboratory planning based on the production planning in the ERP and the evaluations from the LIMS
  • Enabling precise capacity forecasting and early identification of capacity bottlenecks at laboratory level
  • Allowing to accommodate horizontal and vertical planning levels
  • Support of capacity and detailed planning in the manufacturing process through real-time data processing including agile capacity, resource and personnel requirements planning in the laboratories
  • Certified interface to SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA with bidirectional access to master and transaction data by using SAP user authentications
Annemarie Kersten
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