Workforce scheduling software: deployment planning in line with production planning and scheduling

Workforce Scheduling & Shift Planning

ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench (MWB): Bidirectional feedback loops along staff scheduling/shift planning and operational production planning

As a software company specialised in end-to-end supply chain management, ORSOFT applies a universal planning approach inluding both sales and operations planning processes but also in particular the area of detailed production scheduling as an integral part of advanced planning and scheduling.

It is little wonder that we look at the topic of workforce scheduling from a strong “production” perspective. The ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench (MWB) software solution enables determination and reporting short and medium-term personnel requirements.

Workforce scheduling in production | Clear values through the ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench (MWB)

  • Bidirectional data exchange with the production planning and human resources management system
  • Integration into most industry standard tools for shift plan creation / human resources management including SAP® HR extensions
  • Checking staff availability against demand to fulfil scheduled production programmes
  • Creation of production programmes based on personnel availabilities
  • Possibility of simulating the personnel supply for the medium-term determination of shift systems
  • Workforce scheduling based on specific necessary qualifications of the employees
  • Planning of personnel requirements also beyond further production areas and departments

Extending workforce scheduling with functionalities of shift plan creation

If you wish to create shift schedules as well, ORSOFT successfully applies Emplovis, a solution from its Germanedge partner company New Solutions. The shift schedules created and the personnel assigned to a certain equipment can then be used in the ORSOFT Manufacturing Workbench (MWB). This allows the MWB to display short term personnel supply conflicts against the personnel demand for process orders. Based on that, a task for the planning can be created.

Get in touch with ORSOFT

Dr. Martin Kohl
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